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Creating Artbook layouts

Using illustrator, I have played around with possible layouts for the book. Unfortunately nothing was fitting correctly nor did it look...

Art book inspiration

I gathered some images to give me ideas on the layout of the book. Since we all are designing individual layouts per chapter(city) - it...

Link content sheet

This sheet contains all the important links that are important to this project. I have created these sheets on google docs, and as a...

Primary research: Buildings

In order for me to draw the enviromental buildings for Avalon, I took pictures of the most interesting buildings and streets where I live...

Avalon plot

RELIGION I have been researching the most popular religions worldwide, and have been researching what their ‘judgement day’ is like and...

Image collection for Avalon visuals

I used the app called 'wombo dream' to create some visuals for Avalon to help me visualise the scenery and architecture that I'll be...

Exhibition research

In the brief, we mentioned a possibility of sharing our exhibition online and all over the mall - however due to the general group being...

Primary research: Researing manchester architecture

During easter , I have decided to go away for a few days to spend some time in another city. The reason for this was the burnout I...

Researching into Higher class architecture

As I was assigned to work on Avalon, my main focus is the lore,plot,culture,people and general state of the city. As its upper class, and...


Here I have the map of the world, and on the region we are focusing on during the development of this 'series'. It is only a sketch, and...

budget costs

Inside my sketchbook, I have attached the budgetcosts I written down early in March when we decided to go to reprographics to see if we...


UPDATE - 18/04: I have decided to update the scheduele weekly, instead of everyday. I believe that helps my workload and doesnt clutter...

Scheduele update

I have decided to make the scheduele be self led. Each of us will be updating with what we have completed, any updates etc to avoid...


LINK: I have attached the brief for our...

Current plans

Our group met up with a tutor to discuss where our project was going in terms of what we would produce for our exhibition. While writing...

Meeting and discussing work

During early march, As a group we would meet and discuss our ideas for characters and ideas and give each other feedback to better...

Reintroducing old project

Reintroducing old project This is my evaluative statement that Ill keep a track of from the start of my project to the deadline. Although...


Vladimir props character types Piranesi art Boulee Machu picchu Warhammer 40k hive city Tano bonfanti Arcane I watched Arcane which deals...

General architecture research

Over the week off, I have been researching and gathering images from different areas as inspirations for the architectural structure in...

Specialist project: Scheduele I decided to create a table with...

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