Inside my sketchbook, I have attached the budgetcosts I written down early in March when we decided to go to reprographics to see if we could print high quality books and posters. At the time, we gave ourselves of a total budget: under £40
Unfortunately, the printing costs exceeded our budget, and we had to think of alternatives.
We have decided to go with folders instead of printing hard cover books. We didnt want to print paper-back covers, and were hoping to get hardback covers, but for three books that would be too expensive: so to give the same appeal of a proffessionally printed book, we decided to go with sturdy folders.
Below I have listed the total cost for our project: Folders: - £1.25(Purchased indiviually)
Pages: - TBA
Fake flowers: - £13.10 (Nathans purchase)
Cage for book: - £6.00(Nathans purchase)
Book prop: - £4.99(Pats purchase)
Posters:- TBA
Fairylights: - £1(Nathans purchase)
20/4/22 updated
total so far: £28.84