Established middle class
Technical middle class
New affluent workers
Traditional working class
Emergent service sector
These are the lists of the social classes in Great Britain. My original choice was to go with Precariat, but I wanted to try and base it off myself despite not being able to take the quiz. I decided to watch clips to see what the ‘working class’ are like in England, I watched the following .. ;
After watching the last video, I noticed that there is a lot of stereotype for the working class of white males that struggle to receive education and jobs, therefore lowering their economy and cultural standard as the only thing they have to offer is their social capital which is often interpreted as a ‘gang’ .
After giving it some thought, I decided to search up some ELITE stereotypes as I know of quite a lot. In rich households, royal families and MP’s there has always been quarrel and ‘problems’ that they could pay off with money. There is a growing number in the working class while the Elite number has simmered to 4% in 2008 (based on this article)
The number has risen to 6% , meanwhile the traditional working class is 14%- the only thing making these two classes different is the lack of economy and power for the working class.
I wanted to do an idea of a man ,possibly a politician who would flaunt their wealth by comparing it to the working class. There have been on many occasions where politicians get away with crimes and issues they face just by paying it off or brushing it off due to their wealth, influence and power and I wanted to show how that dominates the working class which have irregular capitals. Possibly compare it to a crime done by a working class member. So an ELITE vs WORKING CLASS.
These are the different results for searching up ‘working class’ vs ‘Elite’ . As you can see, each class thinks the worst of one another due to inequality and fairness. Working class often think of Elites as ‘posh’ and ‘snobby’ people who are selfish and only care about money. Meanwhile working class, to Elites - are often ‘chavs’(Chav means council housed and violent12
Made up by higher class) or ‘single moms’ who have kids just for the sake of earning free money from the government on benefits.
The bottom image is an article that exposes how companies discriminate against the working class depending on their economy and cultural capitals, called ‘poshness tests’ . (Source)
“Jobs in elite banking and legal firms are being handed to candidates not only on the basis of how well they might do the job, but also the way they speak and where they went to school, research conducted by the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission has found.”
Researching poster ideas:-
I got the idea to base my layout of a newspaper page, possibly just the title. I will look into more poster ideas and sketch them out.
When researching, I came across telegraph layout based articles and images. I also often remember seeing how many articles would aim at the working class and expand on them (they would be good and bad) . Like so ..((even BBC website has a separate category for the working class))
While researching for my poster, I have come across an article that shows how elite family ‘pay’ universities and collages to accept the grades of their children for them to get in. It made me think that despite their low cultural and social statuses, bribing the schools would open more opportunities for them while children of the working class have to struggle and work hard for it, creating a continuing divide among the classes.
So while working class students have a higher social and cultural status, that may be erased by the lack of economic capital. Meanwhile students of the elite class often get the economic capital towering over their lack of social and cultural capital and get in without much to little hard work.
I really wanted to create a poster with a cartoon aspect to it to show that divide.
https://www.theguardian.com/education/2018/apr/23/university-costs-working-class-students-more-says-nus-report This article states how many ‘working class’ students struggle with university fees and the divide between ‘rich vs poor’ students and their opportunities.
After reviewing with my tutor regarding the WIP -
I have decided to do a little more research on the art style and VIZ , the politically inspired comics you would find often in magazines.
((these images were taken from online and edited))
Something that has really interested me during my research is the difference in university studies of a working class student vs a student with established/technical middle class parents; especially how that influences the way of life and the opportunities of the said students.