I think that this module has been a good learning experience for me. Initially, I struggled with certain aspects of the brief description, but as time went on I began to really come to understand my own design process, habits and techniques.
I think my strengths for this project were mainly analysing the semiotics, Index and metaphore. It was hard learning them and wrapping my head around it, but after research its something I caught on pretty fast and then I was able to identify what was what. I would like to continue working with them so I could remember easier without having to look at my notes. Something else I really enjoyed was the lecture and despite having a messy layout, my note taking is quite precise and by using colours, Im able to get my point across. My weaknesses definitly lay in my research. I've struggled with research for most of my projects but especially with my design process model because I wasnt sure what exactly to research. Not only that, but I also dont exactly enjoy analysing. If I understand something clearly then I have no problem analysing and writing about a subject, but my struggles come in when I dont understand something clearly. I'd like to improve on my research and the analysing of ideas because I know they are two useful skills in my later career. What I enjoyed the most on the module was the lecture on 'Universal visual communication' because I learnt a lot about the history of art and the fact that we're visually learning creatures. As someone who has a existential crisis, I do think about the whole idea of 'why are we here' and 'who are we' and this lecture validated a lot of my emotions and made me look at art in a way that I never looked at it before, it inspired me. In the future, I would love to be apart of more lectures like this. I would like to also improve on my note taking in order for it to be more readable. I think at the time I couldnt type ,but typing would of been a little more mind boggling for me because when I see a large wall of text, my mind switches off. So I will most likely keep my 'doodle' like style of note taking but make them clearer to read. I think im particularly good at thinking outside the box, and I always seem to have questions for everything - but then again that could be a good thing in terms of curiousity, but a bad thing in terms of overthinking. I need to work on not worrying over the projects as much but I do need to work hard on re-reading everything so I'm positive if I do have any questions regarding anything.