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Video art: project proposal


Updated: Apr 2, 2021

The idea that I have for my video art begins with showing repetitive behavior through the sequence of video clips that will blend together with just one center character: my hand. I want to display the constant pattern in my life that I have been feeling throughout lockdown and that I'm sure is relatable to many others. I want to start with the idea of getting out of bed, and ending it in bed, so the cycle repeats as the video plays on loop. I want to use my hand as the main narrator and guide the camera through different times of the day and different activities whilst blending it all together with similar movements in different scenes. For example, as my hand is throwing away the bed cover, the frame shifts to me reaching for my toothbrush. The only thing that would change would be the atmosphere and scene, but hopefully my hand would stay in a somewhat familiar state and pose to show the idea of being ‘stuck’ in the same cycle and loop, and for the effect of my hand ‘jumping’ through the frames. I don’t think this piece has any means for sound, as in some circumstance silence can bring discomfort to the viewer or realization, and I want this video to be somewhat of a realization that time and life are becoming more blurrier with every day of lockdown. I will be editing the video in After effects to hopefully reach its full potential with what I have in mind and to make it hazier and duller, as I think that will make the video stand out more, rather than it being high contrast and not match the viewers emotion. Over the next few weeks, I will be researching different types of Video art to hopefully learn more and to apply it to my practice.

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