these are my finished results for the chimera project.With the wings, I have taken small inspiration from the biblical representations of 'angels' - which most of the time are described as eyes with numerous of wings.
These were my very first two attempts at creating a Chimera. My first slide has definitely improved with my skill of photoshop compared to the bottom one.
Despite stating that I would try to research animals that shared a connection in texture,colour or fur - I wanted to experiment and see how far I could go with making it seem 'realistic' - as stating above with the first example of a praying mantis,seagull and a white fern.
I think what could of been more successful is finding images in a bigger scale. I had problems finding good quality images, but have learnt of a technique that would help me find a certain scaled images;
I am proud of my work and with my knowledge on Photoshop, however its still something I must improve on. My most successful chameria, I think, was the tiger - considering how well the fur blends together and looks more realistic compare to the other photoshop edits. My least successful chimera was possibly the hare; while the concept is great,the low quality has put it down. On my USB stick , you will find the source pictures and PSD files for each of these edits.
I think the best part of my edits is the link between the animals, I think they all seem to fit together and none stand out. My weakest point ,like mentioned before, would be quality. I would definitely like to improve on my photoshop skill and I will make sure to learn that skill in my own time at home through tutorials.