In my book, I have already come up with a few concepts on the plot and characters for my movie poster,but the most that stuck with me was the characters 'lilith' and 'eve' from the bible 'adam and eve' and 'the garden of eden' . Not a lot of people are aware of liliths existence and its almost never mentioned in any religious class,or even in the bible (not that i could find)
Lilith was the first woman,made from the same clay adam was made from. The story goes that lilith refused to lie under adam,and wanted to be equal to him,for that she was banished to hell and known as the 'mother of demons' . Later,eve , was made from adams rib,unlike lilith - she was made to lay under adam. I look up to lilith a lot and wanted to bend and twist the plot so that eve and lilith ended up becoming the two 'protagonists' , despite never meeting in the origin. This idea has been my most developed one which is why ill be continuing to explore ideas and concepts for these two characters. KEYWORDS: apple,snake,blonde curled hair,black hair
Some people believe that Lilith disguised herself as the snake that tempted eve to eat the apple, which is why I think its important to include an 'apple' and a 'snake' in the movie poster.